Yusuf Y. GamboFahd JaradDumitru BaleanuThabet Abdeljawad2024-05-242024-05-242014-01-0710.1186/1687-1847-2014-10https://acikarsiv.thk.edu.tr/handle/123456789/259<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This paper is devoted to the study of Caputo modification of the Hadamard fractional derivatives. From here and after, by Caputo-Hadamard derivative, we refer to this modified fractional derivative (Jarad <jats:italic>et al.</jats:italic> in Adv. Differ. Equ. 2012:142, 2012, p.7). We present the generalization of the fundamental theorem of fractional calculus (FTFC) in the Caputo-Hadamard setting. Also, several new related results are presented.</jats:p>On Caputo modification of the Hadamard fractional derivativesjournal-article